Columbia in London Cost Breakdown for Columbia Students


Tuition and Fees: You will pay Columbia’s home school tuition through SSOL. The tuition invoice will be sent via e-bill mid-August and will be due mid-September. It covers tuition, global seminar excursions, some local transportation and cultural activities. It does not cover housing, meals, airfare, medical insurance, course materials, personal travel, and personal expenses.

Please see the Tuition Rates and Fees on the Student Financial Services website for specific information about fees. Note that you should look at the pages for your home school (Columbia College, School of General Studies, Columbia Engineering) for accurate rates.

Tuition and fees are subject to approval by The Trustees of Columbia University and may change.

Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses are not billed by Columbia. The estimated amounts in this section provide a basis for students to determine their individual budgets for expenses related to their time overseas for the duration of the program. The below estimate is an average of what students say they actually spend. These expenses are NOT paid to the program.




Local Transportation

Books and Course Materials$400
Cell phone$110
Personal Expenses$2,050
Total Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses$10,210

Meals: The cost for meals and food will vary widely depending on individual spending habits. Costs can be kept down by preparing their own meals and only eating out occasionally.

Housing: All students are required to live in Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) self-catered, apartment-style housing. Costs for housing will depend on students’ housing selections. The figure above reflects an estimated average for housing (ex. Feilden House) for a 4-month period.

Local Transportation: Students will be responsible for paying for transportation to and from the airport in London. Students must also pay for local transportation around the city.

Visa: Most U.S. Citizens will be eligible to apply for a free "Short-Term student" visa/immigration permission upon arrival in the U.K. If you do not hold a U.S. passport, you should check the UK consulate website to determine if you need a visa. Students are responsible for their own visa fees (if applicable).

Books and course supplies: These expenses can include books/photocopies, supplies for courses, additional course excursions, etc. Students can purchase textbooks and course supplies for the Columbia in London Global Seminar and their QMUL modules through the QMUL bookstore.

Cellphone: All students are required to have a working cell phone capable of making and receiving both local and international calls throughout the duration of the program.

Airfare: Estimated cost of round trip airfare from NYC to London. Students are responsible for making their own travel arrangements from their preferred departure city to the program.

Personal Expenses: Personal expenses are highly variable based on each person's spending habits.

As part of the program, you will be covered for urgent and emergent care while you are abroad. Routine and preventive care is not included so you should maintain a health insurance policy that will provide coverage outside the U.S. or your home country. This cost is not included in the chart above.