Speak with a Global Learning Assistant to learn more!
"Being surrounded by individuals who were eager to learn and experience the culture was infectious, so that even I, who was not foreign to it the way others were, discovered a newfound appreciation..."
"Once one embraces the newness of travel, one becomes better acquainted with cities, unmasking its treasures, flaws, and—if lucky—contradictions."
"The various educational outings, courses and activities I have to undertake with my fellow students and teachers have enabled me to develop my general culture, but also to discover new facts on subjects that already fascinated me."
"Studying at Reid Hall was a deeply enriching experience; I was able to see in person the monuments, paintings, statues, and sites I was reading about and discussing within the classroom."
"Not only was I able to connect with a new, international community through our collaborative work, but I also developed crucial research skills that may guide my future work in the field of psychology."
"I truly believe that taking these two courses, Art and Music Humanities, are integral to each students’ lives regardless of major or intended career. To look at the world through the lenses of these two subjects after having taken the classes makes all the difference."
"During my time abroad, I learned a multitude of life lessons. I encountered breathtaking artwork that moved me to tears and historical masterpieces that transported me to unknown worlds."
"I came to the Columbia Summer in Venice program looking to sharpen my Italian skills and because of an interest in Byzantine history and art, and the program totally delivered."
"Not only is traveling and meeting new people crucial in forming one’s worldview, but studying in a place that is foreign to you truly challenges the way you analyze subject matter."
"...I was able to experience a country and culture very different from my own while also studying that country's language. I believe this was a genuinely life-changing experience, and it has allowed me/will allow me to better understand myself and my identity, not just in the US but from a global perspective."
"The program not only deepened my understanding of global issues but also opened the door to several months of remote work, allowing me to live and work abroad."
"I took my time, and I think the quality of my contribution to our research reflects that."
"My experiences as a Kenyan in Paris—navigating different cultures, grappling with identity, and exploring global issues—have equipped me with a unique perspective that I now bring to the study of the universe."
"Being able to mingle with people from each of these schools challenged me to look at Art and Music Humanities in ways I had never thought possible."
"Without the help of my Global Learning Scholarship, I never would have been able to fall in love with this city."
"From my small-town in Florida, to NYC, and now Paris, I am continuing to learn just how expansive the world truly is - physically, culturally, and personally."
"I met amazing people from all walks of life, each bringing their own perspectives and experiences. These interactions expanded my understanding of the world and helped me grow as a person."
"The ability to stand where a titan like Wagner stood, hearing the stories of his final days from an expert, served to not only educate, but enculture, and gave me the opportunity to immerse myself into the world which I read about at home."
"Academically, my experience during this program was unlike any that I have had during my time at Columbia thus far."
"For the first time, I was treated as a true professional, with my contributions valued equally, whether I was a sophomore or a fifth-year PhD student."
"Looking back on my study abroad experience, it was filled with pockets of excitement and unforgettable memories. In these six weeks, I have been challenged and have grown in ways I never imagined."
"The exchange of ideas and perspectives with students from different cultures challenged me to think critically and creatively. It also helped me develop a deeper appreciation for the value of diverse viewpoints, something essential in today's interconnected world."
"...numerous guest speakers, and engaging classroom excursions made me more knowledgeable about the subjects I studied and helped hone my ability to think critically and creatively."
"This program’s emphasis on global cultural exchange profoundly broadened my worldview, deepening my understanding of both my peers and the critical nuances of conducting research in a global context."
"Paris isn’t just a city of classiness and elegance but also a city full of stories of different communities and cultures, all coming together to create something magical."
"Completing the program and co-authoring a manuscript for a professional academic publication is an achievement that I’m confident will positively influence my academic career and beyond."
"Being able to be so incredibly immersed in Art and Music Humanities, especially in the cultural Mecca of Paris, was a life-changing experience and one that I’ll cherish forever."
"This experience has improved my skills and self-confidence, and I feel equipped to tackle challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the future with my new perspectives."
"The community in Paris made it easy to acclimate and feel comfortable, despite my poor French speaking skills. The many people I met along the way radiated a warmth that made me forget any homesickness."
"The clandestine beauty of Reid Hall became an oasis in this city of lights..."
"My life improved in every possible aspect: physical, emotional, spiritual–you name it. It shocked me out of my complacency and made me realize what I had to appreciate more, as well as what I could stand to improve on when I did return."
"Everything I learned about in my Blackness in French class was very eye-opening. I truly left that class changed for the better."
"Every single excursion and reading has been truly important to me."
"After studying the language intensively for my first three years of college, I knew that Italy was where I was meant to study abroad."
“Throughout all aspects of the program, I gained lots of valuable insight and experience towards my goals of moving to Europe to pursue further education and career opportunities as an artist after I graduate from Columbia.”
"Living in Hong Kong made me re-evaluate my openness to relocate and work in different countries later in my life."
"When I think back on my study abroad experience, I remember the genuine, unfettered happiness I felt, the friends I made, the food I ate, and the adventures I went on."
"The courses provided a critical lens through which to view various pedagogical structures, and the first-hand experiences were invaluable."
"Though in some of my programs, I have been 'alone,' I never felt truly alone with the connections I made before and during my experiences..."
"During my time abroad, I experienced an expansion in my independence, self-assurance, and personal development."
"Studying abroad completely changed my life. I definitely grew as an individual because I was exposed to different cultures and experiences that caused me to internally reflect on my own."
"The Collaboratory illustrated the enduring importance of cross-cultural collaboration in moments of economic and political destabilization."
"I now have a network of connections all over the globe, and many of these connections are lifelong."
"Always be open minded to trying new things and meeting new people. You never know what the future holds or what can happen when you put yourself out there."
"Little did I know, my upcoming semester in Japan would help uncover new interests and crystalize my future research goals."
"A study abroad experience is blanketed in a sense of adventure, as you are in an unfamiliar place with few expectations and the complete freedom to try new things."
"Studying abroad not only allowed me to connect my past with my present, it also helped me find a path to my future."
While I learned a lot of French in class, speaking to French locals solidified my knowledge of the language further.
It is difficult to describe my abroad experience without describing the extraordinary natural world which surrounded it.
I am incredibly humbled and grateful to have been a part of this extraordinary undertaking and program. It is invaluable to have opportunities for junior researchers to expand their knowledge and impact on the scientific world.
I often look back to my time of study abroad in Berlin, Germany with very dear memories – the friendships I made that I still cherish; the travels in Germany and Europe that richly expanded my cultural sensitivities, and above all, the advancements in my German skills and in my knowledge of German culture that would fundamentally benefit my future graduate studies in piano and musicology.
Now, in hindsight, I see that the BCGS program’s impact went far beyond improving my German language ability; the program concretely shaped my career trajectory in ways that I had not anticipated at the time.
As we strive to engineer for humanity, we must remember that technologies we build don’t exist in vacuums. They have an outsized impact on users often out of sight and often out of mind. An empathy of people both from and beyond our lived experiences is a necessity in our increasingly interconnected world. Sometimes, all it takes is a new river to start seeing things with a new view.
"My primary motivation for embarking on a semester abroad was to experience something different, which is the same motivation that pushed me to attend college out of state."
"...beyond the obvious benefits of historical learning and art and curatorial practice, the program allowed me to broaden my own worldview of both foreign and familiar spaces."
"Leaning over to pick up my café, I caught my eye in my reflection— like him, I had changed too."
The readings and lessons stayed with me beyond the classrooms, as I saw my readings and lessons in action and alive.
"In my experience, there are definitely ways to continue pursuing your passions and extracurricular activities while you are abroad-- and all of them are worth it."
"I was searching for ways to connect what I was studying in classrooms on campus with lived experiences and intersecting identities at the global scale."
Alone in London for four months, I was able to enmesh myself in different cultures...
"Education is about more than the classroom, it is about experiences."
"Day by day, this social exploration broadened my understanding of modern life on a global scale, while simultaneously putting my prior conceptions of life in America into question."
In my mind, education is about more than ideas--it’s about becoming a citizen of the world and, in so doing, recognizing that your fate is deeply and beautifully entangled with the fate of others.
My experience in Berlin has informed my future career plans after graduation; in particular, the inspiration and encouragement I found in vibrant community art scenes has led me to consider more seriously entering the field of art education alongside a professional career as a musician.
It feels good, and gives me confidence in myself, to know that I can move to another city, country, and continent and make a life for myself there in just four months.
I want to try my hand at things I could be bad at. I want to take risks and to keep taking on an active role in my own life, in seeking out opportunities to let go of what I know in favor of what could be bigger or better or more well-suited for my talents and interests.
It is clear to me that this program has changed the course of my personal and professional life, not to mention fulfilling the tall order of being the best summer I have ever had.
There are few things more satisfying and reassuring than grappling with the challenges of study abroad and emerging victorious.
"It was a great way to get to know other students from different courses and years."
"Crucially, my time in Venice reaffirmed that art history was what I wanted to pursue as a major."
" I learned more about community engagement while gathering public input on streetscape projects in the pouring rain than I have in classrooms or offices."
"Going abroad helped me understand new environments, interact with local communities, and be comfortable stepping outside of my comfort zone it was my first step in setting my newfound path into motion."
To combat the general discomfort I felt, I created and surrounded myself in physical and mental environments that I wanted to be and thrive in. Immersing my mind in positive thinking and poetry helped to greatly enhance my time abroad.
It’s not just in America where the strongest ties that bind are formed by our values.
...we have to get sore before we get strong, and I came out of the experience much more conscious of my place, and responsibility, in the world as an American than before.
"Coming from a minority perspective forced me to see things in a different light and take a critical look at my own assumptions, thought processes and fundamental beliefs."
"Beyond the language component, the classes I took through BCGS exposed me to topics and intellectual discussions that fascinate and engage me to this day."
"My day-to-day experience was vibrant. I would share each breakfast and dinner chatting with my host mom about politics, the city, and new art installations at museums—she was my biggest resource in terms of connecting to the culture."
...all of my previous experiences in Paris could not prepare me for the one I had at Reid Hall – a place that opened a vast world of history, thought, and cultural life to which I was, until that point, little more than a doting outsider.
Returning to Paris from Cannes, I was distinctly aware that I would never have another experience like this one. Truth be told, my entire time spent at Reid Hall was full of adventures as extraordinary as this one, full of people and places that changed me for the better.
When I left Paris, beyond the joy I felt for the great memories I took with me, I also recognized that I had gained a set of tools I can now use to solve problems in the future.
The type of housing you select may have a significant impact on your experience abroad, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.
My BCGS study abroad experience paved the way for my return the following summer to work as an EMGIP fellow in the German parliament and my graduate studies at the London School of Economics in European Politics.
I am grateful to BCGS, as the year I spent in Berlin has academically and socially prepared my life after college.
It was BCGS that built my confidence to live and work in Germany permanently after graduation.
"I think the most impactful experiences for me were those in which I didn’t just learn about a culture, a tradition, history, politics, or language, but actually encountered them and experienced them outside the classroom."
"Spending a year abroad at Oxford certainly taught me a lot not just about my major, but about myself and my identity."
BCGS was a challenge in all the best ways possible. We were pushed outside our comfort zones, but the triumph and sense of accomplishment we felt afterwards, was perhaps the most rewarding part of all.
If you want to make studying abroad a thought-provoking experience, I encourage you to keep track of every little culture shock as well!
Spending time in Athens, Nafplio, and the island of Syros, I was able to delve deeper into my academic passion of Art History, while also learning about other disciplines, and gaining new friendships and cultural understanding.
"Only being there for a semester, I was prepared to do things I would have been too afraid of doing at Columbia."
Studying abroad allowed me to gain insights on issues that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise – through seeing things I that otherwise wouldn’t have.
Study abroad provided me with the mechanism to not only enrich my language learning experience, and my understanding of the world, but also to rediscover some of the hidden beauty in everyday life.
What I study at Columbia is completely different than most of what I was studying in Kenya, but it didn’t matter.
My fears were replaced with pure excitement and anticipation of all that I would then see and do over the next six months.