Columbia Health Nexus Graphic Novel [Spring '22]

Health Nexus' goal in 2021 was to highlight and analyze public health guidelines used by countries throughout the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including face coverings, physical distancing, travel restrictions, business closures, and testing. Exploring variables on a continuum, such as cultural values of individualism and collectivism, was also a part of our analysis. We now want to create a one page graphic that will serve as the basis for a graphic novel. The interviews from 2021 were primarily of healthcare workers, around the world, about the pandemic. Respondents to interviews were on the continents of North America, South America, Africa, and Asia. Previously, some of their interviews were analyzed by Health Nexus and published as articles on its website, www.columbia health These articles may be included as fodder for the one page composition as well. The one page composition will garner interest and develop the story for a full length graphic novel that will be produced at a later time.

Team Member 1

Name: Nicholas DiCostanzo

City: New York

School/Major: Visual Arts, GS 2025

Nicholas' art and web design work are featured in various places including Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning’s Voices of Hybrid & Online Learning. He founded and operates Gratis, an online and socially inclusive art space for people from all over the world and at various stages in their artistic journeys.

Team Member 2

Name: Maegen Fleming

City: Dublin

School/Major: Immunology, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin 2022.

Maegen has a keen interest in how our bodies respond to disease, particularly infectious diseases. Maegen volunteers as a student mentor in her university. The S2S mentoring program supports incoming students and helps them to adjust to college life. Outside of her studies Maegen enjoys playing the piano, drawing and horse riding.