TIME MACHINE: An Educational Board Game

Time Machine: An Educational Board Game is an educational board game, as it name suggests, created in order to help educators or teachers to bring fun and entertainment to their students. The hope is that this board game can bridge students to knowledge worldwide. The aim of this project is for middle to high school educators in order to bring entertainment to their classroom environment.

Why did you start the project and what are you most excited about it?

I started this project because I want to bring changes into the world’s education sector. I want to bridge teachers or educators with their students via my board game as a media of interest. When I saw one of the SDG is about developing education, I know at that moment, I need to do something about it. Plus, I have always like to play board games and even created one. Therefore, not only that I can create my own game, but I also increase the interest of education. Kill two birds with one stone, right?


Name: Zachary Andrew Wijaya MANURUNG

Country: Hong Kong

Nationality: Indonesia

School: College of Science (CSCI), City University of Hong Kong 2025

Graphic Designer 1:

Name: Sabrina AUDRIE

Country: Hong Kong

Nationality: Indonesia

College: College of Business (CB), City University of Hong Kong 2025

Graphic Designer 2:

Name: Richard AFANDY

Country: Hong Kong

Nationality: Indonesia

College: College of Business (CB), City University of Hong Kong 2025