"Conectados" (Connected)

Education in countries such as Colombia and Peru have been hit particularly hard because of the high inequality and poverty levels in these countries. Most children in public schools cannot access virtual education due to the lack of internet connectivity and/or electronic devices. That is why we developed the program "Conectados," a lending system of electronic devices for low-income high school students that aims to give them access to virtual education. Currently, the program is working with 45 high school students from low-income backgrounds. 30 students will be from Bogotá, Colombia, and 15 from Lima, Peru. We are following the participant's performance and overall satisfaction closely to evaluate the program's success or improvement areas. With this information, we have organized one fundraiser to buy more cellphones for Bogotá, and we are planning more fundraising activities.

Team Members:

Kiara Ordonez Olazabal CC’23

Helena Botero-Pinzon CC’23