Fall 2021 Resources for Study Abroad
April 15, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to present a risk to participants and communities around the world for the upcoming term. UGE continues to work with University and international partners to review and monitor each program location to ensure that appropriate protocols can be taken to mitigate these risks while providing meaningful and educational experiences for all.
For students approved or admitted to a fall 2021 study abroad program, please realize that your acceptance is provisional because of ongoing University travel restrictions in place until further notice. Updates about these restrictions are expected in the coming weeks.
For students from institutions outside of Columbia, please keep in touch with your home institution for updates about the status of international travel for your school for fall 2021.
Columbia-led and Columbia-approved programs are subject to pandemic-related modifications, and circumstances can change at any time, whether prior to the program start or after you have arrived onsite. This can result in unexpected changes including (but not limited to):
courses moving to an online or hybrid format
field trips and other activities being rescheduled or cancelled
the restriction of program and/or personal travel
other travel and program modifications depending on local guidance and policies that you will be required to follow
You will be asked to sign a Columbia University UGE Participation Agreement that is currently being finalized, which will outline program policies and your understanding and agreement to follow them.
Your provisional approval or admission may be revoked at any time due to one or more of the following factors:
Failure to complete mandatory program prerequisites and post-acceptance materials and requirements;
Failure to comply with required program protocols, policies and deadlines;
Your home school does not permit fall study abroad, and/or;
The program is cancelled due to health, safety, low enrollment, or for other reasons.
Current recommendations
Postponing Airline Ticket Purchases & Program Related Expenditures
At this time, you should not purchase an airline ticket, nor incur any expenses associated with the program until you receive specific instruction from your home school study abroad program adviser. You should not expect to be reimbursed for airline tickets or other program related expenses should the program be cancelled.
Entry & Exit Requirements
UGE is monitoring all host-country entry and exit requirements, which includes the necessary visa documentation. All participants are encouraged to do so as well, given that travelers are required to book their own travel.
Individual Contingency Plans
It is recommended that you have back-up plans in case your program is cancelled or you are unable to participate. This includes, but is not limited to, registering for classes and housing for the fall term on your home institution.
Vaccinations & Travel Health Consultations
You are recommended to consider obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it becomes available to you which allows you to prepare in case airlines or host countries decide to require proof of vaccination. Whether the program, your home institution, and/or Columbia will implement its own policies is undetermined at this point. More specific guidance will be provided as soon as it becomes available.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your UGE adviser or home school study abroad adviser.