Please be sure to read Barnard's guidelines for getting credit for studying abroad. It is important to understand these policies before you go abroad so that you receive full credit for your work.
Semester and Academic Year Programs
Barnard students participating on Columbia-Led Programs during the semester and academic year will receive regular Barnard credit and grades on eBear, as long as all Barnard processes related to course approval have been correctly followed.
You do not need to request a Columbia transcript in order to receive credit, as your courses and grades will be entered directly into eBear.
For more information please visit Barnard Global.
Summer Programs
Barnard students may receive credit for a summer Columbia-Led Program, but no grades are factored into the Barnard GPA.
In order to receive credit for summer study, you will need to complete a summer credit transfer request, found in the Summer Study Abroad section on the Barnard Global site.
Grades for summer courses are entered directly into Columbia's SSOL system. As grades are entered, you will receive an email at your Columbia email account. Once all of your grades have been entered, you will need to request your official transcript from the Columbia registrar to submit to Barnard. Columbia does not submit transcripts directly to Barnard and you must request your own transcript.